Sort Files in a Directory by File-Extension using Python

Here is a python script that sorts files in a directory by file extension.

The directory to be sorted and the file endings to be sorted are taken as input parameters.

As an example, the script can be immensely helpful in creating order in a download folder that has grown and grown over time.
Read more: Sort Files in a Directory by File-Extension using Python

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Diagnose open source project issues faster

Hey! I made this webapp which you can use to record and share screen recordings with.

Imagine you work on an open source project and issues pour in but you can't reproduce them. With you can ask the issue creators to show you what's going wrong.

If you like, you can leave an upvote on product hunt:

Let me know what you think!

from Diagnose open source project issues faster via wordpress

YouTube Pocket Timestamp via /r/reactjs

As a musician, I often need to save particularly moment in some video(concert, podcast, or some interesting melody) and it bugged me through years that YouTube doesn't allow saving videos to the playlist with the timestamp.

So, I created this small React/Redux app for saving the exact part in the videos by simply pasting. It seems like a small feature, but trust me, I had enough with coping links to Word and revisiting them.

It's not finished though, I'm just showing you a demo, and I would love to hear some suggestions or improvements. Heck, I will share the code, and maybe some of you have an idea for improvement in specific parts.


from YouTube Pocket Timestamp